I lived my DREAM LIFE year! I want to help you live yours too!

Embark on a transformative journey with Kami Alaniz, the founder of Just Brooke, LLC, as she shares her inspiring story of overcoming life's challenges and living her dream life. Two years ago, Kami committed to incorporating Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) daily, leading to a remarkable reset and rediscovery of herself. This year, she continued the focus on self-love and personal goals, driven by a divine calling to help others on their paths.

In just one year, Kami launched Just Brooke LLC, offering a treasure trove of online self-help videos, courses, and 1:1 sessions. Her book, "My LifeTime Series to Dream," became a reality through dedication and passion. Recognized for her humanitarian efforts, Kami earned a spot in the Marquez Who's Who and was featured on BlogTalk Radio. Unexpectedly, her story reached the ears of influential figures like Christopher Johnson, leading to interviews with major networks and a contest victory that secured a year-long public and television contract.

Now, Kami graces the cover of MADD Magazine, gearing up for a new chapter in public speaking, where she'll share her inspirational journey from adversity to triumph. Explore the Just Brooke store to find resources that resonate with you and take a step towards creating your dream life. For personalized guidance, reach out to Kami via Facebook or email at Kami@justbrooke.net. Together, let's transform your life and make your dream life a reality.